Mark The Home Page: InterFarFacing.com INTRODUCTION TO CORA L.V. Scott Hatch Tappan RICHMOND 1840 - 1923 |
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"And he said unto them,
you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto
that are without, all these things
are done in
That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear,
and not understand; ...." Mark 4:11
SUNDAY, JULY, 22, 1888
Infinite Spirit: Thou Giver of Every Gift, whether it be of light or of shadow, of sunshine or of storm, of the sweet blossoms of summer or the white rest of winter; whether it be of joy or of sorrow, of laughter of young hearts or the tears that human eyes must shed, in every condition, and underneath every sky of storm or full of brightness, we would praise Thee, oh God. Within no temple reared by human hands, before no altar consecrated by man to the praise of Thee; but here, beneath Thy temple-dome the blue arching sky, here with the pillared clouds and glorious trees making a fair pavilion of the earth, here with Thy carpet spread before us freighted [sic] [weighted-Ed.] with the incense offerings of many flowers, 0 God, we praise Thee. Encircled by crystal waters that upbear the Lily Blossoms that tell of the Life Immortal; filled as the air is with the anthems of the winds and the songs of birds our hearts would turn to Thee in praise for every gift. Before the Shrine of the Spirit, within the altar consecrated unto the Life Eternal, whose priestess is Truth herself arrayed in the whiteness of Eternal Life, whose ministrants are Love, and Wisdom, and Knowledge: here within the Shrine of the Spirit, oh God, we would praise Thee; for every blessing that material life can bring, for all the joy of childhood and youth, and the experiences of middle age and the ripened crown of years, for whatever the earthly life can bring. But, more do we praise Thee for that immortal part, for the gift of the knowledge of Life Eternal, for whatever ministration in this hour makes certain that evidence of life, and makes man one, even in the present life, with the spirit of Thy Truth. May every heart receive and every mind understand the testimony of Life Immortal; but, even as they receive this testimony may it not be in the mind alone. May it not be evidence of existence after death alone, but may it be the evidence of the living power of the Spirit here and now in the midst of time and sense, girded around, with the chains of the dust, trammeled by the artificial life of the senses still may the real out-pouring of the Spirit be within and upon those who worship here today. May they feel that the Fountains of Life are unsealed, that the Glory of Life Immortal is not merely a name nor a dream, but that it pervades and purifies their existence with its power. With its uplifting, it wipes away the tears of sorrow, it purifies and sanctifies suffering and daily toil, and makes more fervent and more glad the life and light, and glory of this summer day. Oh, may every heart praise Thee in Spirit and Truth until the hand performs, the mind conceives, and the spirit realizes that all that there is of this life belongs unto Eternity and is Thine forever: 0 our God. Amen.
DISCOURSEMr. Chairman and friends: if we deviate from the usual methods in treating this subject it is because it is the individual privilege of all speakers on the spiritualistic platform to express what they consider to be true. Understand us: no one is responsible for what we say; we express our own ideas. With us alone rests the responsibility.
The words "Occultism" and "Theosophy," and the combination of the words "Spiritual Science," in the sense that they are used in modern times, we consider are quite unnecessary. To us there is but one word expressing in modern times whatever is included in the meaning of ancient "Occultism," and that is Spiritualism. To us the word "Spiritualism" includes what has been, what is and what will be the nature of Spirit and its relation to the Universe; therefore, when we are asked to compare the three words or terms, we consider that a comparison can only be made where there is a difference, or where there is such a striking similarity as to cause some difficulty in detecting the difference.
Occultism as taught in ancient days beginning with the Egyptians and ending with modern Theosophists and their followers is none other than a record of the Gifts of the Spirit in various ages, under different names, under different kinds of expressions and ministrations. We do not recognize that the word "Occultism" implies any more today because it has been revised, nor do we consider that a revival of it adds anything to the wealth of Spiritual Gifts that are in the world.
There is only this: if we do study with perfect sincerity the records of the past, as Theologians have not done; if we do recognize in the light of Spiritualism what was recorded in the past as it came, revealing the various sources and concerning the practices of the powers of the Spirit, we find that not only in the mystic rites of the Egyptians, among the priests and priestesses of Osiris and Isis and their beautiful ceremonials, if we can only follow their traditions upon the banks of the Nile, they were recognitions and promises of the Gifts of the Spirit, the ministrations to and the gifts that are within man. Then if we do this we shall fulfill all that is essential.
Unquestionably the priests who ministered in the ancient temples of Ion, and those who in the still more remote period combined science with religion, who were the first interpreters of physical science and art through inspiration, were similarly endowed with those who possess the Gifts of the Spirit today. All past knowledge, indeed, all real knowledge of every age, must be the result, primarily, of inspiration, that is the spiritual perceptions are quickened, to derive of spiritual and material things from those intelligences who exist beyond and above the earthly state. Memnon, striking the fires of knowledge upon the ancient altars of being and giving language to the ancient Egyptians: the priests in their temples and caves discovering the secret sources of alchemy by spiritual power; that which belonged to the ancient sons of Hermes, not the Hermes of history of Grecian mythology, but the still more ancient philosophy; that of Hermes the Divine; the directly inspired religion which Hermes the first gave, the inspiration of the primal truths of the universe to man, pointing to the real center of light and motion, and this vivified by the soul, is the basis of the ancient Hermetic faith. The foundation of all the ancient mysteries is the basis of spirit.
The knowledge that came to the Egyptians did not come by external education or outward observation, but the external manifestations and observations were merely employed to verify to man's senses, to such as could not receive through the spirit, the truths that had already been declared, its the principles of life are those that relate to the spirit; and these we may trace, whether, it is in the ancient Egyptian ritual, where it is strictly preserved as the knowledge of things divine; or, whether we follow it down through India and China through the Brahminical faith, whether we take up the Zoroastrian faith, and into Persia trace the secret elements that were but symbols of this Divine Light.
Whatever was occult in the ancient time pertained to the spirit as the meaning of the word life in every ancient language is the in-breathing of the soul; whatever was not occult was merely mechanical experimental, and was wholly secondary to the power of spirit as personified in those endowed with the gifts of knowledge by the gods.
Every ancient record makes half-deific, half-mortal the beings who gave the primal truths unto the world, like Hermes, those primal truths have not only been perceived a priori in every age, but if properly interpreted have been given in almost the same language in every age. The perception of Truth is Occult, its demonstration to the senses is intellectual merely. This perception of the Primal Principles of Truth in the Universe must have existed in every age, for even scholars begin to understand that the records of antiquity instead of merely records of superstition and the result of bigotry and ignorance, contain in themselves the same essential elements of Divine Truth.
The Kabalistic lore has preserved, in a somewhat broken manner, the evidences of the ancient symbolic mysteries to modern times: from the Egyptian through the Hebraic and Roman Catholic churches there are preserved some fragments of this Kabalistic lore; but the real interpretation of the occult mysteries of the past must come from the spirit world. No man with the outward reason or the scholarship that is of the earth alone can decipher the symbols, ceremonials, records, inscriptions and formulas the real interpretation of which only belongs to Spirit. The Real Word of Life has never been transmitted from any external source, has only been passed down from generation to generation through that mysterious method known in the church as the Apostolic Descent, but known in Spirit as the Direct Parentage of the Soul.
Thus every age had its prophets and seers; but for the purpose of protection and that the secrets revealed in those mysterious ways might not become polluted by contact with matter, because the people in the material phase of life could not understand those inner truths and scientific symbols, secret orders were instituted for the exercise of these sacred, secret and mysterious rites, now the thought of mankind is such that whatever is sacred, secret and mysterious is not necessarily looked upon with fear, is not placed under outward ban, but means whatever is "Sacred"; in the light of ancient mysteries the word "sacred" meant what was only known to spirit. The ancients knew that inspiration is the true key to all such knowledge, so that if a man were to approach the subject of those mysteries without Spiritual cultivation he could not understand them.
These occult perceptions and gifts did not so much relate to the power of man's spirit while enthralled as to the Divine State of the human spirit after many forms of life had been expressed: the ability to perceive the absolute nature of the spirit; the prophets and seers in every age were believed to be re-incarnated souls who had many times existed in the earthly life and in the other planets, who came endowed each time with added gifts and functions; while all the deities of antiquity were those who had conquered many worlds; had dwelt here many times, who consequently dwelt in an atmosphere of superior spiritual unfoldment that enabled them to give the Truth of the Divine Mind. This was true of Hermes who was believed to be a god. The reason of this was that, like the Messiahs, he had dwelt upon the earth until all its heights and depths had become fully revealed to him, he became aware of the mysteries of things and from him to the few followers, those alone who could accept his truths, was imparted the secrets of controlling matter. This power of controlling matter could only belong to those who had reached a certain degree of unfoldment, we mean: "controlling matter absolutely", not simply by mechanical or organic means.
The first secret of ancient chemistry or alchemy under the Divine Teachers was the secret of Spirit and its power over matter; next came the organic secrets, such as were in the air, the earth, and the water, but principally [in] fire. In the next stage came the more external science of mathematics which was carried to its highest perfection in Egypt, notwithstanding its remote period of antiquity. The mathematics of Egypt is that of science today.
Occult force instead of being derived from experiment and external observation was derived from within, prompted by the Divine Energies which were there, always assisted by the Divine Intelligence that emanates from the Spirit instead of from material sources, that has given all the Real knowledge that is in the world. We consider that the reason { ?} {that material sources-Ed.} may formulate and arrange that knowledge for the superficial purposes of outward existence.
True occultism was the controlling of material and spiritual things by spiritual, independent of the usual organic agencies, we wish you to know what we mean by this; we would like to make it clear that the occult forces of the ancients differed as much from their mechanical forces, as spirit power today differs from the steam- engine; the occult force was the force from within; was the power of volition, enlightened volition, governing the material agencies, was brought into activity by the divine energies that were unfolded in various ways of severity and asceticism. Perhaps that was essential to constitute an adaptation in the ancient age of matter, and differed from the ceremonies in modern time, because that age was different, the earth itself was more gross, matter itself had not become spiritualized as highly as today. So it was needful that those who would have contact with and control spiritual agencies and be guided by them, should prepare themselves, that they should be separated from slavery to the senses, that their bodies should not enthrall them, that they should not be governed by the various superficial forms of life that are customary in human existence. This was because the senses were more powerful, then the world of mind was not so extensive, the power of the Spirit was illustrated by very few, there had not been added that other strata of spirit life, as today, only a few could be separated from the many to receive spiritual gifts, because only a few could bear the severity of life and denial essential to the practice of the Gifts of the Spirit.
In every instance of occult power not only must the outward life, conform to the requirements but there must be the real endowment from within; so if two people from this audience were to begin fasting and adopt the severity of the ancient life and were to resolve to retire from the world and all its external temptations, one might have Gifts of the Spirit and the other might not. This is because in one instance there would be endowments which the other had not. The reason of this is because the experience in expression of one soul is different from the experience of the other. All do not enter life upon the same basis, all do not live on the earth upon the same basis, somewhere in Eternity lives are equalized and balanced, but not here at the same time: therefore teachers, prophets and those who practiced a life of asceticism for the purpose of exercising the Gifts of the Spirit, were those endowed primarily with those gifts, and who removed every thing that stood between them and the adaptation of those principles.
Thus primarily we go back to ancient Egypt. The history is imperfect, which leads you there; you can only rely upon Inspiration and Knowledge from Spiritual sources to teach that the primitive religion, as well as the knowledge of ancient Egypt had its foundation in Spiritual Gifts, and that even the science of numbers, that which is considered the most perfect external science in the world was derived from Inspiration, was a gift of the gods, and that the Egyptians to a very great degree of perfection, carried forward the science of mathematics until you are indeed compelled to turn to their tablets and records as the basis of your mathematical science. Then you follow this line into India, into the various countries of Brahminical faith and find that there still have been perpetuated many of the mysteries of the ancient occult science, you become aware by reading the "Light of Asia" and other poems published by Edwin Arnold, as well searching the records which are now held in the British Museum, that basis and foundation of both the Brahminical faith and the faith of Zoroaster was the basis of Absolute Spirit; that this truth was sacred knowledge; that its exemplars, as exalted as truth itself, made clear in that age that which was perfected and carried forward by certain lives who kept themselves aloof from the world and who knew the secret mysteries, who, by severity of life practiced the Gifts of the Spirit, unfolded the powers that were given them by the gods who held sway over certain mortals who could hold communion with this same power.
The Brahminical religion has fallen from this original estate, the followers of Zoroaster have become swallowed by modern idolatry, would you know why? Because the foundation of those religions is only preserved in the many rites and ceremonials in the Orient; yet you see both the true and false expression of those powers in the East today: the Real Adepts endowed with all gifts, and the jugglers, those who perform tricks of sorcery and witchcraft before mortal eyes, who are imitators of the real performers. The Gifts of the Spirit could only be practiced under the sanction of Sacred Authority, not for the purpose of satisfying the eyes of the curious, there were those who imitated the real but did not know the real. You will remember among the Jewish authorities there were brought forward these two lines, some of these could not practice as Adepts, only that which was taught, as in the case of Aaron, who was taught in the mysteries and rites that were revealed to the people; then there was that which was esoteric, was held sacred by Ramesis who was the prototype, the original Moses, his gifts were those that were exercised under the domination of the spirit. While Moses retired to the mount and found there the tablets of stone and received the message from God, which is a Kabalistic statement of wonderful inspiration; Aaron practiced what would be understood by the people, gave rather that which had been taught by the priests to bestow upon the people. The real gfts of the Spirit were held separate and were sacred upon Horab and Sinai. The real tablets were those planispheres that gave token of the Inspiration of Truth. Under this form the claim of Inspiration, of which the ten commandments of the Decalogue was the result, was the merest imitation. But we have not time to enter into a full history of the sources of these occult mysteries as they would include the inner history of all nations; but it is sufficient to declare that they were in existence, have been preserved: the evidences of Spiritual Gifts and powers practiced under peculiar conditions and circumstances by those who were Initiates and by the Adepts.
Now the difference between the Initiates and Adepts and those who practice Spiritual Gifts today is simply this: in that time to protect themselves from materialistic and spiritually ignorant rulers who were jealous of any exercising the Powers of the Spirit, there were combinations, for the security of those whose daily surroundings and daily conditions of life must be free from interruption for the reception of the knowledge of Spiritual Gifts, this is why mysterious orders were formed. Unquestionably there may be some in existence today, who for the most part have become scattered, the Spiritual Gifts have been distributed over more countries and more lands, there are those who believe in the Kabalistic interpretation of things mysterious. There will be found to be no more than twelve upon the face of the earth today, who really know the meaning and the original basis of these occult truths, those who claim to know them today, either derived them second hand from some who have heard them recounted or have met them in the testimony of a religion whose external form they have come in contact with; while those who have the Real Knowledge from the Source Divine clasp hands with India, with Arabia, with China, with Egypt, across the great belt of the years and ages that have intervened and know whereof they testify by the Light of the Spirit.
Theosophy is an attempt to revive, in an understandable form, these mysteries of the past under a religious theory-- the arrangement of a basis which modern thought can comprehend. And, we believe in a measure it may have been successful; but that it forms anything more than a thesis, or an aesthetic and ascetic pursuit for the intellectual mind cannot be declared in the light of spiritualism. Since all who profess the faith and understand it must be spiritualists, those who do not understand it cannot claim to have found the real meaning of that which they advocate. It is, in other words an attempt at making Buddhism comprehensible and the Religions of the past, that have been excluded from modern thought, more readily arranged and adjusted. It seems to be the desire of the Theosophists to include all the religions of the world in a general statement and plan adapted to the understanding of man. Thus far we do not consider Theosophy is a distinct form or arrangement of esoteric thought or that it is any other than a revival of the religious thought of teachers like Buddha for the purpose of making them understood by man. That it is a wider arrangement or scheme, or plan, does not appear, for we do not think any attempt at the revival of a past inspiration can be called a revival at all in the presence of something that is alive and powerful today.
To us Spiritualism means all that is claimed by Occultism, all that is included in the word Theosophy and all that we do not find in the word Spiritual Science. By this we mean that the two words Spiritual and Science to us are incompatible. Please pardon us while we explain: "Science" is a formulated statement of experimental facts arranged for the convenience of the earthly mind and intended to convey an idea of earthly and material law. "Science" is simply formulated law and the statement of that which seems to be the result of human knowledge through arbitrary experiment. For instance: the Science of Astronomy is the pursuit of the study of the Heavenly Bodies is under the authenticated system of Copernicus by direct mathematics, if there is anything more than this it is speculative and not in the nature of Science. The Science of Chemistry is the formulation of certain elements that have been discovered and considered Primal, and their action and reaction upon each other; the chemical proportion is a formulated experiment for the purpose of revealing to others the formula for the purpose of enlightening the world upon certain chemical combinations found in things. Now "Spirit" and "Science" are to us, as opposite as day and night: that which is Spirit is Absolute, a priori; is attained by perception and [also] through intuition. And pardon us, it is a lessening of the power of the human mind and Spirit to say, "Spiritual Science." Also it seems to us that "Science" is so much less than the word "Spirit" that you might as well use this little earth to qualify the Heavens with. To us there is no formula in the methods of the Spirit the Spirit is direct. It is revealed by the perception of Truth. That perception is absolute. That the primal basis in science, indeed is not so, because the primal basis of science must relate to things, while the primal basis of Spirit relates to that which is no-thing, but is the source of all things. Therefore we have told these who accept the term "Spiritual Science" to explain any of the processes of the spirit that we would rather choose the word "Spirit" leaving it unqualified either by adjective or noun.
We consider "Spirit," "Soul," is the basis of whatever fact is found in the Universe, this is expressing its own power. When people claim to give enlightenment on "Spiritual science" (here again we beg pardon) we consider that it is simply an attempt which may serve to open the way through the external mind to receive that which already exists in the Absolute. We cannot teach Spirit to any one, we cannot teach the existence of "Spiritual science," knowledge of Spirit must be a perception or it is not, and we might teach forever that which would be considered an aid to the unfoldment of what comes from within, but if that which comes from within is not proportionately unfolded to meet the material instruction there is no science that can declare it. Spirit is the perception of Truth, the methods of its ministration are the methods that are in existence. If we speak to you today, it is to your spirits that we speak, they are aware of the life from within your Souls, you either recognize the truth of what we say or you refuse it, though the intellect were convinced a thousand times, though the reason should approve even still if the Spirit rejects it there would be no instruction. Deceived by the reason of the intellect, by the glamour of the senses one might call that "Truth" which is not "Truth" while rejecting the Truth until there were perfect growth.
We consider the acceptance and presence of spiritual phenomena in the world today, those that have their origin in Spiritual sources are evidence of a larger growth, an added atmosphere; that the world is prepared and that is the reason that there is no need of the seclusion of life practiced formerly. So also the next life is more true and full of its own consciousness, its convictions, as this great mental and moral atmosphere is in the world those who are the chosen instruments of Spirit Power are sustained thereby.
Then we would go one degree farther, and say that there are certain messengers in the world, certain ones who have Spiritual Enlightenment: who have endowments, who are able to give the Truths that were confined to caves, mountain fastnesses and secret rites and ceremonials of past time; because the altar fires have been kindled over all the earth, because the Gifts of the Spirit have been poured out in multitudinous times and places, because that which required especial conditions in past time can now be done in more general conditions under the open light of day, not being surrounded by the difficulties and circumstances of old. Humility itself, the Earth itself becomes more Spiritual as the life in man unfolds.
We believe the words which have been offered for our subject are included in Spiritualism of the present hour, from the outward manifestations to the highest teaching: that whatever fact has appeared in connection with Modern Spiritualism is a fact that formerly would have been called Occult; is a fact that in Theosophy would be considered Occult; is a fact that does not need to be called by the name of "Spiritual science," but merely by the name of "expression of Spirit power", and that today from the teachings that you receive, with the phenomena that accompany them, you have all the power, all the illustration of that which formally was held in the secret caves and altars of olden time. Nay! you have more than this: for the Sun itself pours out its splendor upon an enlightened age. You have more than this, for the inspired fountains well up in human life daily. Whenever a little child speaks the message of the skies, or an adult gives you words of wisdom from the world above, that is an expression that in ancient time would have been recorded as Occult.
The years have unfolded, the time is ripe, the hour is full of these Divine Mysteries, under whatever name they may appear we would not ignore them, but we will not ignore that name which has been given for the present Spiritual Sunshine, that name which the Spirit World has declared for its external manifestation today. Those who choose may accept the other words, there is no limit to human freedom; but for us we take a name as broad as the Solar System, as the Heavens and as inclusive as the Universe, that not only includes the Spirit of man and the spirits of all souls, the Angels in Heaven, the Archangels in their Highest Sphere, but the power of that God, who in the Highest Angels, and Ministering Spirits and highly endowed mortals has given, in this age all that was given in the past ages, and a thousand fold more; has made these shrines and altars and these various places of worship your own hearts; by its Sacred Communions you unlock the mysteries of this Divine Kingdom.
Remember you are as yet only on the threshold, you may have entered the vestibule possibly, of that Divine Temple of Spiritual Truth. See to it that the name which has been given you, the word that is enshrined in your heart, the Truth that it implies shall not become polluted by anything less, that it shall never be narrowed down by creed, nor dogma, nor ritual, that it shall not be limited in its scope, in its truth, but shall include whatever shall come within the Spiritual needs of man.
But should there come a time when the name of Spiritualism like the name of Christ, like the name of Buddha, like the name of Brahma, like the names of the Spiritual Wonder-workers of the East, shall have degenerated into materialism and dogmatism, that its purity of life and precepts shall be forgotten, that the unfoldment you may receive shall be limited by your narrow comprehension and prejudices, then whatever shall be the name of that hour, whatever the Wings of Light and God's Love shall trace upon the world with the Wonders of the Spirit we will accept that Name; but until then for all things Occult, for all things Theosophical, for all things pertaining to the Soul of man, we chose the one all inclusive, all-pervading term "Spiritualism."
May such blessed Light as Angels and Ministering Spirits can bring be yours; and
may the Light of the Spirit from within the Soul so illumine your understandings,
so fill your minds and pervade your hearts that the Truth Divine
shall be more your possession in time and in eternity. Amen.
Mark The Home Page: InterFarFacing.com INTRODUCTION TO CORA L.V. Scott Hatch Tappan RICHMOND 1840 - 1923 |
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