1745 ?  -  1813 

The Declaration of Independence
A Medical Doctor & Professor of Chemistry  Etc.,




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CORA L.V. Scott Hatch Tappan RICHMOND 
1840 - 1923

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Lost Natural Medicine & Healing:


Approx.  1885 - 1915

A pitiful religious despot of a mad man, the world's last inquisitor/interrogator. Comstock, destroyer of literature to 'set you free.' and known as the book title shows,  TheWeederin the Garden of the Lord.'  Any critical thinker will ask, was Comstock an agent used for his madness to keep us ignorant of available higher intelligence?   His long evil campaign would also destroy many New York families; gleefully sending the heads of the household to hard labor prison for selling or publishing works that Comstock did not like.  Pornography was only the name under which this vile act of book destruction was committed.  The same 'Comstock Pornography Postal Law' is still on the books  today. Using pornography as an excuse, comstock openly burned tons of books at any one time, anything that was not his brand of so-called  philosophy of Christianity. What was really being destroyed was the works of our most brilliant Deist Founders, and works by Thomas Paine and the higest level of real Spiritualism of Cora L.V. Richmond.
"Ignorance being in our view, only another name for evil.....
We proclaim, notwithstanding all the deep elements of orthodox religion opposed to us, that there is not one crime,
not one degree of depravity or wretchedness, however low, not one, which cannot be overcome by knowledge."
"......but at the same time he is not free to make the wrong permanently triumphant, for it can never be so.
The right is the infinite, and consequently it always predominates over ignorance, error, and darkness."
If God be infinite goodness, then He can recognize no principle of evil, or error."
Cora L.V Hatch.----Free Agency of Man-- Delivered In Trance,  11.22.1857

*2005 Preface Note To 1880 Newspaper Article:   [*see bolded section below]

Remember when you read the article below it was from an intelligent time125 years ago.  This published prediction is today, proving to be very true.  Given in 1880 by Dr. Benjamin Rush through the full trance mediumship of world renown full trance medium, Cora L.V. Richmond;  the diseases of the 'civilized world' caused by fallacy, negative thinking and deficient education about nature and natural science will result in massive numbers to continue to suffer and die needlessly in most cases.  But the time will come in the future when that will all change.

So, today we find ourselves on the edge of great changes to come.  Changes that could have happened already if they had not been stopped by financial self-interest.  The medical and religious institutions have in fact held us back from the primary knowledge of healing with nature and all its gestalt implications, at the cost to mind, body, soul and planet earth.   Therefore it is very important that we begin in earnest to reeducate ourselves and rediscover primary truths in nature's perfect pharmacy for higher natural healing.  We now see that the  powers-that-be have caused us to be held back nearly 100 years since the book destruction period; so before it's too late we need to allow change to happen and become nurturing guardians for healing humans and mother earth. 

1745 ?  -  1813 

The Declaration of Independence
A Medical Doctor & Professor of Chemistry  Etc.,








Infinite Creator and Preserver, thou who art the balm for every iII, the healer of all who are sick, we turn to thee as the source of final ministration, through whose laws and beneficent mercies all forms of life have being and preservation, from whom life and death alike emanate.  The changeful forms of outward being, even that which men call infirmity, is but another change toward that ultimate of life that is wholly thine.  Thou art perfection; all things else must be imperfect.  Thou art infinite: all things else must be finite; and as the finite cannot compass the infinite, so man's imperfection cannot measure thy perfection. But whatever there be in life emanates from thee, and the potencies of outward being flow toward thee and from thee. Man praises thee for that knowledge attained through suffering, for victory born of experience, for that enlightenment which is the result of the varied pathways that he must tread converging toward ultimate truth; for the spirit that finally controls, matter; for the thought that usurps the place of physical force; for the volition that at last crowns all human life with supreme power over the elements beneath man. 

Oh, may thy children turn to thee as to the source of knowledge, remembering that however perfect the book of nature, there is one more perfect, the book of intuition, traced within the soul; that enlightenment born of its living, clear fountains; that power crystallized within the spirit, emanating from thee.  As reason is but the handmaid of the spirit so may we turn from reason to inspiration for guidance; from the outward to the inward life; from the external to the spirit; from the thought which is visible and manifest to that which is real and invisible; for as every force of life is in reality imperceptible, and only the workings of the force made manifest, so the perfect powers of the spirit must forever be invisible, yet performing forever in light and in life their wondrous workings. Oh God! be, thou the eternal presence, and as Christ revealed through powers of the spirit the wonders of the gifts that may belong to each, so let thy children covet earnestly the best gifts, seeking for those for which they are best adapted, and seeking for light and guidance to perform all the needed duties of life. 

We turn to thee as the fountain in the wilderness, as the oasis in the vast desert of material life; as the light in the midst of space, set apart and burning forever for the guidance of thy children. So turn we to thee, praising thee for every avenue of human knowledge, but chiefly for that primal source, born of intuition and worship, the crowning glory of the human spirit.      Amen. 


To another is the gift of healing, by the same spirit.  As Christians, one would think. that there were little need for a word to be spoken on behalf of a method that forms one of the predicates of the Christian world; but as Christians legislate adversely to their religion, and disapprove in their actions that which they approve in their theology, it behooves these not claiming special sanctity, those who have no interest in the usual tenets of the Church, but on behalf of a deeper philosophy and a higher human helpfulness, to claim for spiritual healing what the Christian denies for it. Today, the healers of the sick in the sense that Christ healed, are found among those usually ignored by schools of Materia Medica. When medicine became a science, it ceased largely to be a religion, and with that cessation of its essential spiritual quality, it ceased to be healing. 

The school of Esculapius might have been founded in innate discovery of primal antidotes to disease; but the school of modern medicine is so complicated a system of contradictions, that one requires the utmost faith to accept of any system of practice.  Surgery, indeed, is a school by itself; yet we are very much mistaken if even surgery has not its spiritual antithesis which will ultimately supplant it, as the higher healing will supplant the lower methods of human discovery.

Two forces or methods are required in the treatment of disease: first, an antidote to actual poison, either introduced into the system by contagious disease, or generated by some lack of healthfulness in the system; second, an adjustment of the system where there is no poison, organic or otherwise. The antidotes to poisons are specifics easily discoverable by those who follow the natural instead of professional methods of healing, and are quite as frequently found among the unskilled and untutored Indian of North America as among the highest graduates of medical schools, and quite as frequently known to those who practice healing among the magi and sorcerers of the East, as among those who have made the study of medicine their life long pursuit, while the adjudication of the human system, when there is no actual poison, or epidemic, or malarious disease present, is more frequently performed by the actual presence of the physician than by any remedy that he administers or causes to be administered. From one hundred years of experience in both worlds, I may safely state that the human system is healed by the mind in ninety nine out of every hundred cases; that the power or influence of the physician, nurse or attendant over the mind of the patient, is the restoring power; that the remedial agent employed affects the disease in exact proportion as the mind of the patient or the attendant is in accord with it; and that where there is actual dynamical result it is produced more frequently and freely by the mental conformity of the patient and the mental administration of those who attend.  Direct and distinct poisons will produce direct and distinct results, as will antidotes, as will physical accidents, so called, or any other violent shock up on the usual recurrent vibrations of the system; but if there is an equally violent remedy at hand, whether it be in the mind or in the physical body, it is usually efficacious; and the promise that those who have faith shall take poison and not be injured, that they shall touch fire and not be burned, is no more a physical impossibility than that the human mind has been known, in the presence of fear, to cause the body, bed-ridden for years, to leap from the bed and fly to the streets for safety; to cause a person wounded upon the battle field to be unconscious of his wound, and carry forward the fight for many hours; to cause a person afflicted with a deadly malady to throw off that affliction and entirely recover from it under the stimulus of sudden joy, or to cause a person to die of fear of a malady which he never had, and with which he had never come in contact. 

Human diseases, when organic, are seldom suddenly fatal; but the mind nurses them on to fatality through a period of twenty five or fifty years, which, at longest, constitutes a very fair average of human life. Those who inherit diseases rarely die of them suddenly, but by premonitory symptoms, carefully instilled in the mind at an early age by an ever watchful mother or attendant, the disease is confirmed in the mind of the young. It is carried forward to later years, and still is confirmed in the mind, and every symptom of cough or other attendant circumstance is set down to the hereditary taint, until finally it is developed into actual disease, and in good old age the prophecy is fulfilled that they will follow in the wake of their ancestors. Sometimes a disease of this kind crops out suddenly, unexpectedly, in the flower of life, carrying off persons who are not supposed to be predisposed to the disease, proving the contrariety of human expectations, that baffles even medical skill and watchfulness, and showing that disease, for the most part, is not inherited; that the thought of it is inherited, and that the presumption of disease is more frequently in the mind than in the actual physical organism.

The diathesis of every human being is more or less affected by either the scrofulitic, pulmonary, or other affections incident upon a life that is over civilized. The diseases of the red man are mostly the result of accident, or epidemic in their character; there are no constitutional diseases among them; [1880] there are no inherited diseases, because nature with her laboratory of remedies; her pharmacy is always at hand, and the intuition of the red man knows how to apply it.

For epidemics that are the result of privation, injustice, or something of that kind, nature has not provided any immediate remedy; therefore, the Indians suffer most in such cases; but for the ordinary diseases afflicting civilized nations, the aborigines have no conception, and have therefore no remedies at hand. 
In our advancement and civilization, we have undertaken to improve upon nature, to supplement the action of nature by artificial methods, that, carried to the extreme today, produce a system of practice that, if finally and fully insisted upon, would make of all human beings drunkards or debauchers, would make of all human beings imbeciles or lunatics, for the reason that the application of anesthetics to a race so highly sensitive and over strung as the modern race of civilized beings, is indeed an excess of medication that produces today the most startling results. With all the advancement toward the higher improvement of humanity in other directions, it is a most startling fact, that medicine and theology have advanced the least. Those who treat the bodies, and those who treat the souls, remain adverse not only to the first principles of healing, but adverse to any encroachments upon their domain.  Every advancement in the practice of medicine has been fought for; every liberal view concerning the domain of nature and its application to human requirements has met with the same opposition, and today you are confronted again with the same kind of demagogism from those who, believing themselves In the possession of all truth, and all ultimate science, should be put to the test by never losing a patient, and never having a remedy fail. When Materia Medica can do this, then they may claim exemptions from listening to the claims of any other kind of practice.   When the schools of modern science can determine exactly the qualities and properties of any given remedy and its application to the human system with unfailing accuracy, and prove that in every instance there is capability of adjusting it to the needs of the human body, then, and only then, may they cry,  "There shall be no change!" 

Today you are on the verge of changes, and these changes require careful, earnest, and adequate consideration. That irresponsible persons shall be entrusted with the important office of perhaps deciding the life of a human being, seems, at first, a most startling proposition.  But who are irresponsible persons?  The qualification to perform a certain thing must not only be bestowed by human, but by divine law. The mother inherits and possesses the right to care for her child; it is only in case of extremist neglect and abuse that that right is taken from her. Healers should be God made as well as man made. The gift of healing is like the gift of poetry, or teaching, or art. We may have schools and methods, but healing itself is a domination, is a  possession of the mind, is something bestowed by nature, and reaches the various ramifications of the human body. The spirit is there and asserts its preeminence. If man were but an epitome of chemical compounds, schools of science might be established to determine to an accurate certainty what would sustain life, and best remove disease; but as man is not only an epitome of chemical compounds, but an ultimate expression of something beyond chemistry, beyond anatomy, beyond physiology, beyond any constitution of structure that anthropology has determined, then we must decide upon the capacity of healing according to man's condition as a spiritual being. I know that the mind of the patient determines the success of the physician; I know that in most diseases that afflict humanity there is a lack of nervous and spiritual adjustment; I know that in most epidemics, nine hundred and ninety nine persons out [of] a thousand die of fright, instead of disease; I know that whomsoever would have the power to inspire confidence in an epidemic district would instantly check the spread of the disease, which would only extend to those infected or possessing the negative condition of system that would predispose to infection; I know that the power of the mind over the human body is at times most absolute, and that the power of another mind can so establish a positiveness as to overcome the effects of poison, the effects of fear, the effects of cold, the effects of any element supposed to be destructive of life, and that death itself is arrested and set at naught frequently by the volition that comes in contact with it, readjusting the particles to the exact polarity of life.

Knowing this, then, today, I speak on behalf of the sublime, the divine gift of healing. While man was in the physical state, merely violent remedies, physical applications were necessary. The age of iron required the heroic treatment of allopathy. There was a time when the human body would only yield, perhaps, to the most violent and grosser remedies of nature; but even then we find magic in the Healer of Nazareth; even then we find spells in the oracles, and potencies in healing springs and sanctified places, proving that notwithstanding the age of iron, the age of gold can permeate and flow through this. Today [1880] you are bordering upon the silver age; the golden age has not yet appeared.  The laws of Materia Medica are changing, and more subtle and occult methods of practice are approved. Homeopathy is the spirit of allopathy;is the risen spirit, maybe, but potent, because lacking in the grosser methods of more material compounds. The vast herbarium of Nature produces in various forms of distillation the exact requisites for the physical body. If there were no nerves, accompanied by brain or mental power, we could find you these remedies for every ill; they would always be at hand; you would always know what to do; but the antidote for one is the poison for another. The reason is the difference in the structure of the nerves and spiritual fabric, and this difference must be ascertained, carefully measured, and so adjudicated by the true physician that the proper remedy shall be discovered.  Even if the symptoms are the same, the disease is entirely different. The simulations of certain diseases in the human system that deceive the physician, growing out of certain nervous states, are often most baffling; but these have their sources in spiritual and mental states, that only the true discerner, the true physician, can ascertain. I have been called to the bedside of an exceedingly nervous, sensitive and suffering patient, and if I  had had no other discernment or experience than that which usually accompanies a student of medicine,I would have commenced giving the usual application for nervous typhoid fever. I discovered there was no such disease; the symptoms were there, but the the causes were quite different.  There was trouble; the mind was affected; the disease was secondary; the symptoms were simulated and the real healing had to be mental.

Change of air is efficacious; change of scene sometimes works wonders; but the proper word spoken at the right time and in the right place is frequently more potential, and the very presence of a calm mind, one that has confidence in the ultimate healing power of the universe, is in itself a potion of strength, a real remedial agent.  As the earth and the air contain all that is essential for man's sustenance, perpetuation and health, the earth and air and the spirit contain all that is essential for his spiritual and physical well being. To adjudicate this properly, we must mention the spirit first as the healing potency; sunlight and air as the next; remedial agents as the last and lowest in the scale of healing. 

First, spirit, because without mind and actual contact or rapport there is no real healing or restoration. The magical healer, he who had the gift of the spirit in the Christian dispensation, excepting in rare cases, depended wholly upon the volition or will power, namely the spirit flowing from him to the person afflicted.  In some instances the earth or clay was made use of as a means of conveying the magnetic force; in others, water or a garment was used as the instrumentality in establishing the proper rapport between the healer and the patient. Faith, he said, was essential to you. I consider faith essential in all things; it means receptivity and a condition that enables the person to receive the bestowment that is given; the faith of the king that his child would be saved; the faith of the woman to whom it was forbidden that Christ should heal her, yet she was restored by her earnest desire; the faith of the widow; the faith of all who received the ministration and were pronounced whole was the atmosphere upon which the spiritual healing could be conveyed. If you have not faith in your physician or your healer, do not employ him; that is the one essential requisite. There must be also the gift; but many persons possess the gift of healing who are not called physicians, and as there has been established upon earth, in no school of theology and in no school of Materia Medica, a system of spiritual healing, the spiritual world has established it outside of schools of theology and medicine, and the earth has been benefited by the same, though unsanctioned by priest, prelate or doctor. The practitioners in the world today covet earnestly the entire practice of the human family, but magnetic healing at the present hour usurps a large proportion of this practice. It does so advisedly; it does so conscientiously; it does so with the consent of intelligent human beings; and so long as those are intelligent and aware of what they are doing who employ physicians of this kind, it seems to me unreasonable that any other human beings, claiming to be equally intelligent, should deprive them of these means of restoration.  You might as well legislate against mountain air, or sea air, or sea bathing, or any of the other requisites that various human beings consider essential to their own recovery, or legislate against any sort of food, or any sort of amusement, or any sort of recreation, or any sort of reading. The principle is precisely the same. That which I find good for me may not be good for you. 'You are not compelled to employ it, and in this country, where the utmost freedom of the individual is carefully preserved, it is strange if, having found the secret of recovery, you shall not be able to exercise it.  But the secret lies deeper than this. It is the old time cry against innovation; it is the old time Car of Juggernaut, rolling over in another way and sacrificing its victims. It is the same sort of feeling, altered to the time and place and occasion of the nineteenth century and a free republic. The feeling is precisely the same as would have crucified the very founders of medicine themselves, had it been in contradiction to the established law and custom of the land. And who have been more persecuted than these persecutors of today? 

We stand, therefore, in the midst of this subject under the calm and deliberate conclusion that those who attempt to destroy the spirit are fighting against what they know not of.  Magnetic healing is not born of clay; it is not an epitomization of dust; it is not the result of the chemical  crucible; it is not furnished in the schools of the world; but it has its origin in a higher source, namely, the spirit of man, embodied and disembodied, working its way, as of old in the form of miracles, wonders and of the spirit, so called, but in the form of a power that at this moment has more adherents than any other one system of practice, and at the end of the day is more capable of relieving and removing the ills of the world than any other system.

I say to those who have the gift of healing, whether commissioned by any school of man or
not, you cannot fail to exercise it. I say to those who have the power of the spirit to remove disease it cannot be stilled; prison walls would not hold it; it cannot be suppressed by any fine or formula of court; juries cannot banish it; it cannot be subjected by any judgments of human courts of justice.  Remember, it is a divine gift; it is a human gift. It flows to you from the innermost fountains of the Spirit; it is the natural method, if human beings are suffering, and instead of suppressing this gift by any law or legislation, in twenty five years it will supplant the present forms of treatment entirely; in fifty years there will scarcely be any other method of healing in the world. In a hundred years there will be no schools of Materia Medica, for the occupation will be gone, and you will be instructed from this source concerning human anthropology in the higher and larger sense.

To those who do not end with protoplasm, but begin there, and pass into the spirit in its various stages, as the source of all life and healing from the crown of the head to the sole of the foot, man is an epitome of spiritual forces, and to understand this is to understand the law of being.  Fear, terror, abject servitude to any physical law, binds you to disease. Happiness, joyousness, spiritual hope, aspiration, these are healing remedies. 

We shall have infirmaries, not based, as now, upon systems of treatment that frequently subject the patient to more torture than remedy, and leave the system shattered for life; but infirmaries where every attribute of the mind and spirit flow harmoniously together; where music, sunshine, flowers, children and ministering angels perform the work of healing, instead of surgical cages and bottles of medicine and drugs; where no nurse, with soft tread and careful whisper, administers by the time and hour the dust that is prescribed; but where the hours go by unconsciously to the patient, where recovery is as a winged angel brooding above you; where the physician is not revealed, and sometimes is not even known; where the attendants are your friends; where the voices flow to you from those chosen to minister unto you; where accidents can be averted; where broken limbs can be adjusted without the use of artificial anesthetics; where mesmeric sleep will take the place of drugs; where magnetic power will take the place of surgery; where every form of human suffering will be controlled by the voice and volition of the mind; and where the healing power of the spirit will be at all times ready to respond to your demand. To those who are at this day ostracized, persecuted, condemned, I say, have courage, for the spirit world is stronger than the mortal, as the soul is greater than the body; the healer is more magical than all the diseases of the earth.

Christ the teacher and Christ the healer are born into the world in the name of Truth and of true healing. Religion for the mind and body will go hand in hand. We shall have medicine for the soul, and therefore the body will recover.

Below This Article The Banner of Light  Editor Placed The Following: 

Apropos of spiritual healing, I am desired to mention a case which has recently occurred in Brooklyn, New York, most wonderful in its evidence of the power of spiritual healing Dr. Laramie, not a physician, but born in New England and reared to a humble occupation, went to Brooklyn to attend to some business. After he had been there a time, he was told from the spirit that he must practice healing.  He  did this without any charge, also in obedience to the mandate of the spirit.  He was called to attend a child in a poor family who was blind as the effect of scarlet fever. The eyes seemed totally destroyed, and the physicians declared that the substance of the eye itself was escaping; that blindness forever would be inevitable. He told those in attendance, after practicing upon the child magnetically, that in two weeks from that hour the child will see. They took little notice, scarcely comprehending the meaning of the words said.  The aged grandmother noticed the hour of the day, and in precisely two weeks by the clock the little child's eye sight was restored. 
Another case in the same family, even more remarkable, can be well authenticated. A. daughter twenty four years of age had never walked, and had never spoken; in other respects possessing the intelligence of an ordinary mind. She made her mother know by signs that the angels had told her in her dreams that Dr. Laramie could restore her. They asked him to attend upon her. Her limbs were reduced to the size of a wrist; there was no flesh upon them; she had never moved them; she had no capacity of speech. In one month's time she could walk across the room; her limbs had increased one inch in size, and she could speak quite distinctly a lengthy sentence; while under the influence of spirit power she could speak for twenty minutes. The case is still improving; the limbs have grown one half, and her spirit guides proclaim that she will stand in public and address an audience.
These facts can be confirmed or authenticated by any wishing to know.       



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CORA L.V. Scott Hatch Tappan RICHMOND 
1840 - 1923

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