The Original 19th Cent. Principles of Spiritualism Before They Became Adulterated :
Spiritualists have no sectarian creed, articles of faith, or statement of belief excepting the truth as perceived by the individual, each according to others the privilege of worshipping God according to the dictates of consciousness. There is a feeling of fellowship with all and they meet on the common ground of universal Spiritual truth.
Mark The Home Page: INTRODUCTION TO CORA L.V. Scott Hatch Tappan RICHMOND 1840 - 1923 |
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The first 6 central beliefs of Modern Spiritualists were adopted in Chicago, Illinois, 1899:
Below, The word 'belief' is an oxymoron; scientific proof of Life after Death has been established.
1 belief in Infinite Intelligence.
2 the belief that the phenomena of Nature, both physical and spiritual, are the expression of Infinite Intelligence.
3 the belief that a correct understanding of such expression and living in accordance therewith, constitute true religion.
4 the belief that the existence and personal identity of the individual continue after the change called death.
5 the belief that communication with the so-called dead is a fact, scientifically proven by the phenomena of Spiritualism.
6 the belief that the highest morality is contained in the Golden Rule: "Whatsoever ye would that others should do unto you, do ye also unto them." .
As Given From Robert Owen In The Spirit World Through Mrs. Emma Hardinge-Britten
Incomplete As It Does Not Include The FAMILY, MOTHERHOOD & SISTER HOOD
1. The Fatherhood of God
2. The Brotherhood of man
3. The Immortality of the soul and its personal characteristics.
4. Proven facts of communication between departed human spirits and mortals.
5. Personal responsibility. With compensation and retribution hereafter for all good or evil deeds done here.
6. A path of eternal progress open to every human soul that wills to tread it by the path of eternal
The Suggested Changes For The USA, NSAC 1) The Parenthood of Infinite Perfection, The Great Over Soul, Quantum Physics, The NO-THING
2) The Sisterhood-Brotherhood of all that "IS"
3) The Continuous existence of the human soul
4) The Communion of Spirits and the Ministry of Angels
5) Personal Responsibility
6) Compensation and Retribution hereafter for all good and evil deeds done on earth.
7) Eternal Progress open to every human soul.
The English 1) The Fatherhood of God
Expanded & Quoted From:
[ English Spelling Not American ]
Again, Incomplete As It Does Not Include The FAMILY, MOTHERHOOD & SISTER HOOD .
2) The Brotherhood of Man
3) The Continuous existence of the human soul
4) The Communion of Spirits and the Ministry of Angels
5) Personal Responsibility
6) Compensation and Retribution hereafter for all good and evil deeds done on earth.
7) Eternal Progress open to every human soul.FATHERHOOD OF GOD [1]
Spiritualism defines God for no man. Definitions imply limitations and we refuse to limit the illimitable or define the indefinable; but one fact is clear, the great first cause, called God, manifests by and through law. Men and angels may utilise these laws, they cannot change them. Logically, we cannot conceive of a first cause, for all causes must themselves be caused. Eternity means backward as well as forward, but the human mind is so constituted that the brain would break down if it did not set some limitation on imagination.
In all worlds we find implacable law in manifestation and, since love is the highest manifestation of that law, we bow our heads before the incomprehensible. By combining it with the protective idea which fatherhood connotes, we make concrete to our imagination the great lawgiver and designer "who doeth all things well." We cannot conceive of justice setting aside natural law to work miracles for a favoured few. Nor love creating a world of unhappiness and consummating His folly by brutally punishing those of His creation who are incapable of accepting the statements of priests.
These are the rocks on which creedalism is foundering. Priests freely adapted from ancient mythologies concepts of God repugnant to elementary principles of righteousness. They were based on an ignorant fear which theologians still try to graft on to the God of Jesus, who taught a God of love in its place. Belief in a creed is in some vague way believed to be essential to salvation from eternal torment, and this idea has gradually supplanted the necessity for character as an essential part of religion.
It is true that many Christians now accept the doctrine of evolution, and even repudiate the deity of Jesus, but it is hopeless to think they can get their newer viewpoint accepted so long as they use words which infer the retention of earlier meanings. It is quite common to hear the name of Jesus Christ used by men who repudiate his deity, Jesus the Christ did not mean Jesus the God but Jesus the anointed, anointing being a common practice when priests were ordained.
Similar subterfuges are introduced by those who desire to "square Spiritualism" with the very errors that Christianity is striving so hard to throw off. Thus old ideas are perpetuated, despite the pretense that words now mean something entirely different from that which our forefathers taught. I therefore advise students to avoid the use of the word "Christ," which forms the theological battleground, and to avoid being drawn into bitter sectarian disputes. This you can do by using the word Jesus when the man is meant and God when you are referring to Him. But by all means cease the hackneyed use of any words which mean so much but are used so glibly. "Why do men call me good? There is none good but God. "Worship God," said Jesus.
We accept the ideal presented by Jesus in the phrase, "Be ye perfect even as your Father in heaven is perfect." God, therefore, symbolises all that is just, holy, good and wise. The ideal is expected to arouse corresponding ideals, for man is ever prone to imitate the qualities he admires. Mean men have mean concepts of God, and fighting men think He reserves a special corner in heaven for bloodthirsty warriors. We naturally excuse personal actions if we think they are pleasing to the Deity. That, in the past, justified the burning and torturing of heretics. What God does must surely be right for His children to do. Hence the necessity for teaching the God of love and justice.
Love and hatred cannot co-exist side by side--the one destroys the other. Spiritualism repudiates all such imperfections as vice, hatred, partiality, or injustice as attributes of God. God never made mistakes. He did not create Adam and Eve or place them where he knew they must "fall" and curse humanity for ever. Nor would He need to drown the consequence of His errors in a flood or sacrifice one-third of Himself to atone for the mistakes of the other two-thirds. These are the mazes from which Christianity cannot disentangle itself so long as it uses words with obsolete meanings.
Enlightened Christian opinion now inclines to the view that all these statements are pure symbolism, but the masses still cling to a literal interpretation of the Bible, which presents an anthropomorphic God with very human failings. Evolution proves that man was not created "perfect," but rose from lower forms of life. Even if Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden six thousand years ago, they would know no language, no arts, no science, and they would be but one step removed from the intelligence of brutes in the field. Adam, therefore, did not fall.
Fatherhood connotes the sonship of all mankind. In this sense, Spiritualists interpret the teachings of Jesus. If you use the phrase, "Christ in you," you mean the divinity of God as expressed through the soul of man. You do not mean a man named Jesus reincarnated in you. Hence the need for eliminating ambiguous phrases and for using words which have undisputed meanings. Only thus can you stand aside from the terrible sectarian disputes which have deluged the world with blood and tears in the name of religion. Clarify your mind as to what you exactly mean when you use words referring to deity like God, Christ and Jesus. The main point to remember is that if "Christ" means "God" there is only a difference in words between the creedal Christian and the Spiritualist. But it does not.BROTHERHOOD OF MAN [2]
The brotherhood of man cuts at the root of all inequalities of opportunity. It expresses a family relationship that ought to prevail all over the world. It makes criminal the degradation of "subject" races. They should be helped, not exploited for commercial purposes. In family life we do not take advantage of each other's necessities. The family ideal must embrace all humanity. Political work must be directed towards general culture, with perfect freedom for all to work towards the same goal.
Arbitration must supplant warfare. Trades and professions must be freed from all that is demoralising. It ought not to "pay" to gamble with people's lives and fortunes on the stock pay exchange, nor for the politician and lawyer to lie and cheat, the tradesman to adulterate, the armament maker to precipitate wars, nor wealth in any way to corrupt the finer qualities of the soul. Every aspect of life must have a way opened up so that men may be transparently honest without fear of tricky duplicity, or loss of livelihood.
People should be taught what to eat and drink, and what to avoid, so that a sound mind might control the highly developed physical body. Everything that prevents us living clean, wholesome lives must be eradicated. Your politics, your work, your home life and your studies--everything--enters into the religion of Spiritualism, which will thus sweep all shams and hypocrisies away. The religion of Spiritualism plants your feet on every reformer's platform, and makes deeds, not creeds, the pathway to heaven.CONTINUOUS EXISTENCE [3]
You cannot "prove" either beginnings or endings; but we teach the immortality of the soul with its characteristics and memories because it is consistently taught by all returning spirits. They prove their individuality by the matter and manner of their communications. They all teach that true growth is of the soul, and is attained by effort and development in love, wisdom and experience. We do not merely believe we shall live after the change called death; we affirm that it is a demonstrable fact. By direct scientifically recorded evidence we have satisfied ourselves that the grave merely receives the physical elements of which the body is composed, and that consciousness persists after the decay of the body.COMMUNION OF SPIRITS [4]
This is the sheet anchor of modem Spiritualism. Christians assert that revelation ceased two thousand years ago. We affirm that God's laws never change, and that revelations from the spirit world are still coming through. Scientists are now adding their testimony to ours.
Our experiences help us to understand the religious systems of the world, and, because of this fact, we hope to become the unifying force that will eventually bind them into one harmonious family. The true meaning of the word "religion" is "to bind back to God." Hence Spiritualism is a religion in the highest sense of the word.PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY [5]
If you accept this principle, away goes the premium on sin implied in the "vicarious atonement," which teaches that man can shuffle the consequences of his misdeeds on to the shoulders of a "savior." It is quite untrue. The law of cause and effect follows us into the spirit world and automatically adjusts all relationships. This refusal to adopt orthodox ideas brings us into conflict with sectarians. But returning spirit people prove that cant, selfishness and hypocrisy, equally with all the virtues, set laws in motion which produce inevitable results.
It is better to ask forgiveness from the person you have wronged than pray to God to take over your sin while you leave the victim suffering. Make sure of your victim's pardon. You will find God's forgiveness follows as a matter of course. Realization of our responsibility and a willingness to live up to it allies us to positive powers of goodness and changes our spiritual surroundings.
In the spirit world, we find that even sins of omission point their accusing fingers at us, and that realities are no longer obscured by the customs or hypocrisies of modern life. Degraded thinking produces limitation of psychic perception, and true progress starts as soon as we "render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's, and to God the things which are His."REMORSE AND REWARD [6]
Spirit people teach that sin is most detrimental to the sinner. It stunts his spiritual growth and links him to associations in sympathy with follies. The infraction of spiritual laws produces pain as surely as the breaking of a limb under physical law. Virtue is its own reward, because it sets forces in motion which eventually produce happiness, even though man's stupidity may delay it during his earthly life.
There is no vindictive punishment in the after-life, and the inevitable reaction of vice is unhappiness. But suffering, bravely endured, always proves a stepping stone to progress. The development of a strong character means the development of spiritual powers. All spirits teach that they grow "brighter" as they learn the lesson that prayer to God is best expressed by works for humanity. Thus it comes about that God is not mocked. Character is the surest passport to heaven.
Darkness and wrong thinking are synonymous terms from the spirit standpoint. Right thought leads to right action, which automatically dispels the clouds of illusion created by selfish indulgence and the misuse of life's opportunities. Spirits continually beg us to try and set laws in motion while still in the body, and thus lay up "treasure in heaven" by developing the gem of a beautiful life and avoid spheres of darkness. By spreading a knowledge of these laws, the spirit people hope to sweep away all unhappy conditions from earth and the lower spiritual planes which evolve from it.ETERNAL PROGRESS [7]
It is only man's folly that prevents the reign of the kingdom of heaven upon earth. It will materialise as soon as we recognise the futility of commercial, sectarian and political selfishness and intrigue. The need for this correct "poise of the mind" is thrust upon the discarnate spirit at every turn. Each gravitates to his own place, and it speedily becomes apparent that, as thought carries its owner to scenes and conditions that reflect his own mentality, there is no burking the issue.
On earth, the big purse buys power and respectability, but in spirit life earth's petty schemes are found to be a positive hindrance to spiritual growth, unless they were formulated with a genuine desire to advance human progress. The reborn into spirit life, therefore, study to eliminate every thought that has a purely selfish origin, and this is the magic wand that opens up the pathway of eternal progress.
They discover that true happiness is only possible where strict truth, love and justice permanently abide. The religion of Spiritualism teaches us to apply these laws while on earth, and compels tolerance to all opposing creeds. But--though tolerant--we must be firm in our adhesion to principles. The canting hypocrisy which demands that we must play up to orthodoxy, money powers, or any other form of "authority" is nauseating to sincere reformers. Let history be your guide.
Very few reforms make headway so long as they compromise with error. The true man becomes a brave soul. The brave soul brooks no departure from "right thought, right speech and right action," to quote Confucius. Cunning and diplomacy are frustrated by the operation of this simple formula, and those who practice it become the leaders of men on earth and the ministering spirits of God both here and hereafter.INTERNATIONAL SPIRITUALIST'S FEDERATION
Adopted At The London Congress 1960It's Aims Are:
"To reveal that Spiritual nature of mankind which harmonises with natural law."
All life is governed by natural law but as humans have become more "civilised" we have largely isolated ourselves from our spiritual heritage by hiding our spiritual natures under layers of materialism and insensitivity. The Federation aims to help Spiritualists all over the world show people how to reveal that spiritual nature again.It's Objects Are:
a) To unite in federal union Spiritualist and related associations in all parts of the world.
If the I.S.F. does no more than help to unite all Spiritualists and like-minded people in a common cause to promote universal brotherhood and
tolerance, it will serve mankind well.(b) To co-operate with any other society or institution having objects similar to those of the Federation. (Especially in the study and spread of an understanding of Spiritualism from the scientific and philosophical points of view.)
It is the bringing together of these aspects which will ultimately reconcile science and theology and form a basis for an understanding of the
purpose and meaning of birth, life and death.(c) To promote the advancement, by means of education and communication throughout the world of the science and philosophy of Spiritualism. Such philosophy shall be considered as recognising the following principles:-
i) The existence of a creative life force
ii) The existence of a spiritual link between all forms of life
iii) The survival of physical death by the individual human spirit
iv) Communication between individual spirits on different levels of life
Until our spiritual nature returns to the forefront and influences social life on the planet, there can be little hope of peaceful brotherhood during our short stay on earth. Unless we understand our spiritual nature, we will achieve little progress towards the goal of human perfection; life will be without purpose and materialism will ultimately destroy the basis of social life. As part of its commitment to these objectives, the Federation has
set up a Scientific Forum as well as providing teams of teachers to visit different countries, on invitation, to train mediums, healers and speakers to use their gifts to the highest possible purpose.Other objects of the Federation are:
(1) To issue to members, free of charge, a journal and other such literature as may be considered helpful.(2) To arrange for the collection and distribution of scientific information likely to interest Spiritualists and scientific workers throughout the world.
(3) To aid students and enquirers in their researches into all or any of the matters mentioned above.
These are the aims and objects of the Federation and embracing as they do, a wide field of research and investigation, the I.S.F. is in a position to play a leading role in the collection and communication of news and views likely to further the interests of world Spiritualism.
Mark The Home Page: INTRODUCTION TO CORA L.V. Scott Hatch Tappan RICHMOND 1840 - 1923 |
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